Licensing - Purple Hasp Setup + Updating Hasp codes.

Licensing - Purple Hasp Setup + Updating Hasp codes.

This article is designed to help get you started using your Purple Hasp for Mastercam licensing, as well as instructions for updating Mastercam maintenance codes or Mastercam product codes.


  1. Direct access to the computer with the HASP dongle.  The software will not update if you're using a remote viewing session.  You must be at the console.
  2. Hasp drivers and the HaspX update utility (both installed with Mastercam.  Not to be confused with the "NHaspX" update utility, which is for a networking license HASP.)  If you need to, you can download the drivers and HaspX Update Utility from this page: Drivers and Utilities | Mastercam
  3. Your Hasp codes (.hcode file.)

Text Instructions

Directions for updating a Hasp device:
  1. Save this .HCode file on the computer with Mastercam where the Hasp Device is physically attached.
  2. On that computer, browse to the Mastercam install folder and launch HaspX, or search for and run HaspX from the windows start menu.
  3. Press the 'Read' button.
  4. Verify that the 'Serial Number' displayed matches the Sim number of your .hcode file
  5. Press the 'Update Code' button.
  6. Select the .HCode file that you just saved.
  7. Press the 'Update' button.
  8. Press the 'OK' button to exit.
Directions for updating purchased Add-Ons which require an access code:
  1. For Hasp users that have purchased an Add-On that requires an access code, an ACC file must be created.
  2. Access code doc files are delivered with your .hcode file.  If you did not receive one, you can skip these steps.
  3. The ACC file must be placed in the root of the \Shared Mastercam 20XX\ folder. 
  4. Access codes are tied to the Hasp serial number.
To create an ACC file:
  1. Open the doc file that was sent through e-mail or as a printed document, then copy & paste ONLY the access code to a text editor such as Notepad.
  2. Save your file as the access code file name into your \Shared Mastercam 20XX\ folder.   The file name can be found in the doc file.  Example: "Access code file name is nesting.acc"
  3. Make sure your file extension is .acc and not .txt or any other extension.

Video Instructions

You may also follow this video to learn how to update your HASP codes. Timestamp: 47:22 minute mark


  1. I don't have HaspX.
    ​Download and install the HaspX.exe utility from the Drivers and Utilities page from
  2. Hasp's red light doesn't remain on when plugged in. 
    Download and install the HASP Drivers (for Mastercam X2 and Newer) from the Drivers and Utilities page from
  3. I'm using a USB-C to USB-A adapter, I've installed the Hasp drivers, and the Hasp's red light still doesn't remain on. 
    Try downloading and installing the Sentinel HASP/LDK Windows GUI Runtime Installer from (developers of the Hasp technology.)
  4. The number on my Hasp doesn't match the number of my .hcode file.
    The license number of the .hcode file must be paired with the Hasp with the same license number.   You may be operating from a location which has multiple Hasps.  Please check the other Hasps on site for the one with the correct license number.   If you don't have access to any other Hasps, or are unable to locate the Hasp associated with the .hcode file, please email