Could not green-check out of Machine Group Setup page.

Could not green-check out of Machine Group Setup page.

A page inside the Machine Group Setup is showing a greyed-out checkmark and cannot continue. 

An incorrect value is listed somewhere in the Machine Group Setup.
In this example, the issue was with the Sequence Number Increment (set to zero.)


Satisfy the field which is showing the problem.  In this case, having a sequence number increment value greater than zero corrects the problem and you can green-check out of Machine Group Setup.

In this particular example, the Sequence Numbers start / increment values are controlled by the Control Definition.  In order for this to not be a continual problem in the future, the Control Definition needs to be edited to have a non-zero value in the increment of the sequence number.
To make a permanent change to the Control Definition:
  1. Inside Mastercam, select the Machine Tab, then select the Machine Definition Icon

  2. Green Check the File Warning (this is warning us that we're about access the permanent copy.)

  3. Select the Control Definition Icon
  4. Select NC Output, and then change the Increment Sequence Number: 10.0 (or some positive value.)  Leave "Output Sequence Number" unchecked if you wish to ignore sequence numbers in your post output.

  5. Green Check out of the windows, and say "Yes" to any other popups to save your changes.
You should now be able to Green Check the changes made inside your Machine Group Setup.